

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago


Element: Red

Type: Sentient

Evolution: Kavari

Population: 150,000

Lifespan: 60 years

Feeds on: fish, birds, rodents, Clawberries, Stealthberries

Worlds: Yardhon, Kavaron

Size: human-height and rough shape. Tail length 2'-3'


Zhanmir resemble anthropomorphic cats with light red and orange fur. They have human vocal boxes, but can yowl and meow like their carnal counterparts. Masters of stealth, gangs of Zhanmir thieves are rarely caught. They also make excellent con-men and asassins. While most work for Kavaron ideals, many became benevolent during the Mixing Age, although fvew benevolent Zhanmir prosper.


Their saliva is full of symbiotic Zhangatas, who have a healing effect on the Zhanmir but a detrimental effect on other creatures. Licking themselves, therefore, serves the purpose of spreading disease to any that would touch them uninvited, and some Zhanmir can project their saliva from their fur.


Zhanmir females treat their male suitors as slaves, both socially and sexually. At the end of the mating process, an impregnated Zhanmir female will slash her suitor's neck. It will heal up and be a scar to show off proudly to the other Zhanmir males.


Zhanmir domesticate rabbits and mice the same way that humans domesticate cows and sheep.


Zhanmir are powerful Red mages.

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